How To Ski – Overview Videos – Have a look…

In our previous post we launched the new How To Ski App for iPhone.

How To Ski
How To Ski right there in your pocket!

Watch the Overview Videos…

The App was launched pre Christmas – with a view to getting a few copies of the App out there as stocking fillers. Which worked well.
Now that the holidays are over and the Winter is in full swing, it is time to get those ski legs working, and to see if it is possible to simply improve your skiing.
One of the reasons that we decided to launch an Phone App was in order to gather together some, what are at times quite simple but fundamental ideas about how to ski, and present them to you with the use of Video.
What makes this even more convenient is that now with the advent of smart phones just about everyone has a mini HD video player right there in their pocket.

The How To Ski App has all the videos downloaded on to your phone, so there is no need to have an internet connection, or feel that you are risking using up data connection charges.
All the Videos are there on your phone and ready to watch.
You can watch them at home, in the chalet, on the chairlift or in your favorite restaurant.

Video Ski Lessons
Something For Every Skier

Since our initial launch, we have have some great feedback about the clarity of the presented information.
We have also been asked for the possibility of some preview videos, for those that might be a little more hesitant about what they are buying.

So we have released the Overview videos, to let you see what you will be learning.
We have divided up in to four areas which you can choose to work on as you prefer.

Stronger, Easier Parallel Turns – watch the overview video now..
Cleaner Carving – watch the overview video now…
Steeper and Narrower – watch the overview video now…
Improve Your Bumps – watch the overview video now…

We hope that you enjoy the Videos, and you like the App. We are always keen to get some feedback, so let us know what you think.

Colin – TDCski & How To Ski App for iPhone

App Store
How To Ski App for iPhone Available on App Store

How To Ski App for iPhone

How To Ski App for iPhone

How To Ski App for iPhone
Simple Video Lessons on your iPhone

How To Ski is the first in a new series of Apps designed to give the everyday recreational skier a simple, accessible and value for money way to improve their skiing.

The How To Ski app offers viewers 12 simple and easy to understand videos answering the question, ‘how do I ski better?’

Tackling the most common problems, and some of the most commonly asked questions, this new app has been designed and created by two ski instructors at the top of their game, Colin Tanner and Giles Lewis.

What Ever Level of Skier You Are This App Will Help You Ski Better

Colin Tanner comments, “I’ve skied back to back winters for many years, in France and New Zealand, and together with Giles’ experience we came up with the most important and universally helpful ski improvement techniques for this app. Whatever level of skier you are, there will be a tip to help.”

Four sections, Stronger and Easier ParallelsCleaner CarvingSteeper and Narrowerand Improve your Bumps with an overview and three videos within each section make up this first How To Ski app. The videos can be watched on their own or in conjunction with others, there is no start/finish point.

Stronger and Easier Parallels, Cleaner Carving, Steeper and Narrower and Improve your Bumps

Designed to be watched in the restaurant, on the slopes or in the lifts, the information and footage on the app offers a short, simple and effective focus to implement when on snow, a pocket instructor!

The How To Ski video lessons have been professionally filmed and edited using visually exciting and stimulating images with crisp and clear audio.

Download How To Ski costing just UK £2.99, US $4.99

Video Ski Lessons
Something For Every Skier

Improve Your Skiing

Our many years of experience working with recreational skiers has allowed us to carefully select the content for this app. The four main sections reflect areas of ski technique that often frustrate keen skiers and frequently require development in our clients.

Each Section has an overview, this has two functions, firstly it allows you to see how the three lessons fit into the wider context of the section heading. Secondly it allows you to briefly preview the lessons and then select the most appropriate to your needs.

Video lessons
Each lesson is designed to be watched at home, on the slopes, in the restaurant, on the lift. The information and footage gives you a simple, effective focus to implement into your skiing. Your confidence and technique will improve as you revisit the lesson as many times as you choose. Keep your own private instructor in your pocket and progress at your own pace.

Simple Video Lessons on your iPhone App Store