tdc coaches on tour part 2…

Only 2 days to go now and the excitement is mounting. The boys have been frantically shopping for energy drinks and gels and bars and anything else that might help get us to the end of the ride! The forecast is for hot sunny weather so dehydration is one of the biggest fears – the beers will have to wait until after the race.

Training has been mixed, each of us with different reasons for not having prepared perfectly. Giles has just become a Father again so isn’t sleeping so well. Nicko has done most of his riding in the UK, not that hot and not that many huge mountains but he’ll be OK. Dougie had his bike stolen and is now riding on a trusty old (heavy) stead that has started making a lot of noise since he cleaned it! I am not sure what my reason is, I guess lack of training is a good excuse to have up your sleeve for wibbling!

There will be a full report of the big day (Monday) so watch this space.

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