tdc ‘s BASI prep courses 2009/10

tdc have been running BASI prep courses very successfully over the last number of years. We would like to say congratulations to all those who have then gone on to be successful at their BASI courses. We are running BASI prep courses throughout autumn 2009 and winter 2010 so let us know when you want to book.

These courses are designed to help you get ready for any forthcoming exams or BASI courses. With 5 BASI trainers within tdc‘s ranks these courses provide an ideal opportunity to prepare for success.

All courses include in depth video analysis.

NEW for Autumn 2009

BASIlogoOctober Courses – why wait until the onset of winter and the November storms. Enjoy the longer days and warmer conditions of skiing in October on the Tignes glacier. Very often the afternoons in October can feel really summery, training feels very different at this time of year.
Cheap accommodation and equipment testing at the Melezes Hotel in Tignes les Boisses. The guys at the Melezes run a ski and board camp where you can test all the latest kit the prices for accommodation and airport transfer have to be seen to be believed, check out the deals at:

Course Details

tdc BASI trainers

Autumn Weeks – Monday to Friday

Prepare for BASI Levels 2, 3 & 4

5 – 9 October
12 – 16 October
23 – 27 November – Train for your teaching course
Cost 200 €

Winter Weeks – Monday to Friday

Prepare for Levels 3 & 4

18 – 22 January

be ski ready

Winter Cost Options

  • 350€ full week
  • 200€ 5 half days
  • 50 € per half day

There will also be training throughout the winter season for those people in or near the resort, with less regimented timings – same winter costs apply.

BASI Level 1 & 2 Prep

If you are new to BASI and are thinking of embarking on your first course this level is ideal for you. Equally if you have completed the trainee instructor module and need to brush up your technique before you undertake the Level 2 Instructor Training assessment this is the perfect way to ensure success.
This is best suited for those going for Level 1 Instructor and Level 2 Instructor Training modules.

tdc basi prep courses
tdc basi prep courses

BASI Level 3 Prep

This is for people who have successfully completed the Level 2 Instructor assessment and feel they need some training before they take the next technical or teaching level.
Prepare to be at the level before your assessment.

BASI Level 4 Prep

This is for people preparing for their final technical and teaching level. These courses will be run by BASI Trainers who are involved in trainer education and who regularly deliver the BASI ISTD technical and teaching module. With a proven track record for helping people pass their final test this course is a valuable option.

book you tdc BASI prep course now

email or book online

If you need help with accommodation or transfers please let us know and we will do our best to help.

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