Inside Hemel Snow Centre

TDCski’s Steve Angus @ Hemel Snow Centre

TDCski coach Steve Angus at Hemel Snow Centre

Inside Hemel Snow Centre
Inside Hemel Snow Centre

Catch up with Steve, dust off the ski boots, and get involved in some clinics.

Steve will be there there all day and will run a variety of clinics and / or private training sessions depending on who signs up for the day.

Great opportunity to get the ski legs working during the summer months.

Dates 2014

Saturday 21st June
Saturday 12th July (Olivia and Clare probably coming with me too!. Please note that there is a freestyle event on in the evening that day so there will be slightly limited slope space so it will not be a day for long turn carving!)
Saturday 30th August
Saturday 27th September
Saturday 11th October

New dates may be added at a later dates AND other dates may be available on request…. please email [email protected]

What’s the plan?

Each session: 3.5 hours long and comprises approx 2.5 hours on slope followed by video time. The ‘start’ time for the sessions on each day will be 9am, 1.30pm and 6pm (provisional times – could shift a little). To be confirmed exactly.

Each session will be SMALL in size (participant wise to ensure a high level of training / feedback and ski time), minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 people per session.


Please pay in cash on the day (A credit card number may be required in advance to hold the booking!) it will be £60 for a morning / afternoon session or £40 for the evening session. If you would like to attend the whole day then it will be £120 per day.

If any TDCski client would like a private session this is offered on the same days special prices of £60 for the first hour and £15 each hour thereafter of 1-1 private coaching.

Lift Pass is not included in these prices – that will need to be organised by the individual.

For further information and to book then please email [email protected]

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